Finally! Replace your paper to-do list…

Stay on top of every task and project that you need to do…

Without losing the simplicity of a paper to-do list.

Get it FREE for 30 days

DailyBalance is a simple app that can help you get organized and feel in control each day.

  • Stop overtaxing your brain trying to remember everything.

  • No more feeling anxious about what you’re forgetting

  • Stop spreading tasks & projects across lists, sticky notes, calendars, emails, etc.

How does it work?

DailyBalance joins a Master List with a Day Planner in one simple app.

The Master List is where you track EVERYTHING that you need and want to get done. All of your tasks & projects, for both home & work.

The Day Planner is a simple to-do list for just what you need to get done TODAY.

The Master List and the Day Planner work together.

Simply drag anything that you want to work on today from the Master List to the Day Planner.

Check off tasks as you do them in the Day Planner.  These changes (and any others) are also saved to the Master List.

Clear the Day Planner at the start of a new day!  Your Master List remains the same.

Never forget your to-do list again!

DailyBalance automatically keeps all of your devices in sync.

Never be without your list – if you’ve got your phone, you’ve got your list!

Capture new ideas and tasks when they pop up, no matter where you are.

Stop feeling overwhelmed! Create a daily routine that will keep you feeling in control. 

With everything in your Master List, you can be confident when deciding what is important for today.

Rather than continuing with yesterday’s messy to-do list, the Day Planner will help you re-think about what is important when planning a new day.

Manage your day the way that works for your life. 

The Day Planner’s sections are a customizable way to break up your day into a sensible plan.

Create your own, or choose from popular time management strategies like Time Boxing, Eat the Frog, or others.

Need a reminder? Set a time for your iPhone or iPad to notify you when it’s time for a task to be done.

Works seamlessly with the Amazon Echo (Alexa) so you can easily add things to your to do list.

Learn more

“Alexa, add ‘Pick up birthday gift’ to my to do list…”

Unique features include:

DailyBalance gives you a dead simple way to develop a daily routine that will start your day the right way. You will create a habit that is addictive because of how it helps you focus.

Imagine being able to toss out yesterday’s to-do list without worrying about losing anything that didn’t get done. You can with DailyBalance! Since all your changes in the Day Planner are saved to the Master List, you can simply clear the Day Planner at the start of each day. No more saving messy to-do lists!

DailyBalance automatically backs up your data and syncs it to all your devices. No thinking involved.

Having DailyBalance on the desktop is key for many people. But, having your “plan for the day” with you on your phone can make you even more effective. No more forgetting your to-do list at home!

Always having DailyBalance with you lets you capture new tasks whenever they pop up. This really helps your focus by freeing your brain of the chore of remembering and reminding you of things to do.

When trying to figure out what it will take to get something done, it helps to “break it down” until you have tasks that you can actually take action on. DailyBalance is built with this in mind. You can break a task or project down into any level of sub-tasks.

This is a habit that DailyBalance promotes and can really help battle that overwhelmed feeling that big or undefined projects can cause.

In other apps, sub-tasks are often buried as lists inside other tasks. This hides them from view and doesn’t let you easily make a plan to get them done. In DailyBalance, sub-tasks are just tasks. This simplicity makes it easier to see everything on your plate and deal with changes when they inevitably happen. When building your daily plan, you can mix sub-tasks and top-level tasks together.

The Master List gives you separate areas for Home and Work. This allows you to manage the two parts of your life “separate but together”. Tasks from each are easily identified with color. So you know what is what when they’re mixed together in your Day Planner.

Home and Work are just the default names, change them for what makes sense for your life. For example, if you’re a student, you might rename one of these to “School”.

No more missing reminders on your calendar or trying to remember to do things on certain days of the week or month!

DailyBalance’s Triggers give you a super flexible way to handle tasks that repeat on any kind of a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly schedule. When something is due, it automatically pops into your Master List.

DailyBalance is designed to be super simple. Our focus is on helping you actually get your tasks done. You don’t need to spend time editing and managing your tasks to get the app to work for you.

Because DailyBalance doesn’t add a lot of extra steps to your life, it is very easy to stick with. 

But, it’s easy to fall off the wagon when trying to stick to any new system. The simplicity of DailyBalance makes it very easy to jump back in and get back into your routine.

Add a reminder to an individual task or to an entire section of your Day Planner.  You’ll be alerted by a notification on your iPhone or iPad.  Learn more.

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